our projects
Going to the edge - Bringing Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence together
Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) is the natural evolution for both Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) because they are mutually beneficial. AI increases the value of the IoT through machine learning by transforming the data into useful information, while the IoT increases the value of AI through connectivity and data exchange.
InSecTT – Intelligent Secure Trustable Things, a pan-European effort with 54 key partners from 12 countries (EU and Turkey), will provide intelligent, secure and trustworthy systems for industrial applications to provide comprehensive cost-efficient solutions of intelligent, end-to-end secure, trustworthy connectivity and interoperability to bring the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence together. InSecTT aims at creating trust in AI-based intelligent systems and solutions as a major part of the AIoT.
InSecTT will foster cooperation between big industrial players from various domains, a number of highly innovative SMEs distributed all over Europe and cutting-edge research organizations and university. The project features a big variety of industry-driven use cases embedded into various application domains where Europe is in a leading position, i.e. smart infrastructure, building, manufacturing, automotive, aeronautics, railway, urban public transport, maritime as well as health.
The demonstration of InSecTT solutions in well-known real-world environments like airports, trains, ports, and the health sector will generate huge impact on both high and broad level, going from citizens up to European stakeholders. InSecTT will bring intelligent solutions into the market by conclusive showcases all over Europe, hence strengthening Europe’s industry and once more make Europen solutions a frontrunner in cutting-edge technology.
Our role in this project is on platooning technologies. Platoons are a formation of vehicles (usually trucks) that follow a trajectory as a single unit, coordinated in terms of speed, routing, and traffic-related actions. This technology brings the following benefits:
• Reduced effort for truck drivers
• Reduced fuel consumption
• Reduced logistics costs
Learn more here.
InSecTT has received funding from the ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 876038. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Austria, Sweden, Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, Ireland, Finland, Slovenia, Poland, Netherlands, Turkey.