As the technology cycles become shorter and shorter, VORTEX aims to provide demanding new approaches to smooth the process between a new discovery in the research centers and its application in a new industry. This is, VORTEX CoLab aims to advance cyber-physical systems solutions and technology bricks to enable the technology transfer and co-creation, merging cutting-edge research and agile market solutions, to provide top-class products with the highest guarantees of safety and security. For this purpose, VORTEX will quickly translate cutting-edge research into tangible cyber-physical products, providing a competitive advantage to clients who want the most advanced solutions with reliability, correctness, and in real-time.

VORTEX will make both academia and market blend as a vortex, transferring technology from universities to industrials partners. The results will be new approaches and solutions in terms of cyber-physical systems and cybersecurity in a virtuous cycle. In fact, the temporal gap between the discovery of new technology and its incorporation into a new product/technology has to be increasingly reduced in order to make the new product/technology viable and to minimize the risk of its obsolescence. It is in this context that Vortex will develop its activity by promoting innovation acceleration programs capable of accelerating the transfer of the most fundamental research and development carried out in academic institutions (TRL 1-3), its incorporation through experimental development in partnership with business entities (TRL 4-7), with a view to preparing them for a rapid and efficient introduction in the market (TRL 8-9), thus valorising the whole chain of generation of new scientific knowledge and creation of technological value.


The technology cycles have become shorter and shorter in the past years, demanding new approaches to smooth the process between a new discovery in the research centers and its application in new industry products.


There is a gap between academia and the market, causing slowness in the introduction of state of the art research into actionable solutions.


Our purpose is to quickly translate cutting-edge research into tangible cyber-physical products, providing a competitive advantage to clients who want the most advanced solutions with reliability, correctness, and in real-time