Vortex-CoLab is a partner of the InSecTT project, an EU-funded project being driven by a consortium with over 53 key partners from 12 European countries and Turkey. The project started in June 2020 and is bringing together IoT and AI in order to achieve the full potential of the “Artificial Intelligence of Things” (AIoT). The main goal is to provide intelligent, secure, and trustworthy systems for industrial applications, for comprehensive cost-efficient solutions of intelligent, end-to-end secure, and trustworthy connectivity. InSecTT will work with local intelligent processing, which makes it possible to reduce the data required for transmission, through distributed intelligent processing.
The InSecTT project fosters the cooperation between big industry players, several highly innovative SMEs distributed all over Europe, as also cutting-edge research organizations and universities. InSecTT will significantly reduce time-to-market and decrease costs for trustable AIoT solutions, by using new designs and technical building blocks.